The intended goal of this blog was
- writing hyper-focused, idealized posts where each entry is an academic, in-depth, formal analysis of complex abstract conceptualizations.
- now repurposed as an enjoyable personal project.
It's quite enjoyable to write nonsense into the void. I've had several blogs before and this is the ____ yet!
Here's a silly bucket list :
- Produce a song
- Name a hiking trail
- Backpacking overnight
- Create an art piece
- Work for a startup
- Start a podcast
- Start a blog
Visit therapist/psychologist- Visit Taiwan
- Visit Japan
- Climb a Seven Summit
- Live in another country
- Learn another language
- Become Yelp Elite
- Gifted Reddit Gold
- Complete a Rubik's Cube
- Host a security CTF
- Compete in competitive tournament livestreamed and casted.
- Sponsor a gaming tournament
- Read
The Brother's Karmazov, 1Q84, andThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Holler at me: https://forms.gle/FVZ5GMxRaQNVSgTL9